Sunday 1 December 2013

Doctor Who Sunday: Top Moments of Modern Doctor Who (Part 1)

Welcome to a brand new segment called "Doctor Who Sunday" where the whole post will be about something Doctor Who related. Over the first few weeks (by few I mean a lot) I will be listing the top moments of Modern Doctor Who (as I have not watched enough of Classic Doctor Who to make those judgements) in chronological order from Series 1. I already wrote my list and got 92 moments which I will spread out over several weeks. How much moments I put in each post depends on the amount I write about which. However, this is going to go on for a number of weeks so as new episodes air I will add new moments (if I find any I really like). After this is done I will move on to something else Doctor Who related. So, without any further ado, let us begin with my top moments of Doctor Who in chronological order of the modern series.

1. The Slitheen from Aliens of London and World War Three

These monsters added a lot of comedy to the show in 2005. What is not funny about aliens who have to take up a human's body to fit in which has the unfortunate side effect of a lot of farting. It does set up the show for a lot more comedy as it is one of the first bits of it we get in the new series of Doctor Who. One of the Slitheen who survived the end of the episode World War Three (I am not going to say what it survived due to spoiler reasons) makes a return in the episode Boom Town which comes right before the two-part finale.

2. Peter (Rose's Father) from Father's Day

This was an episode which revealed more of Rose's past and emotional side. The story basically involved Rose creating a paradox by saving her father from dying by being run over by a car. All Rose originally wanted to do was just make sure that he did not die alone but misses her chance and so tries again but this time saves him. As a result reapers come (attracted to the paradox that was created) and try to repair the paradox. It really is a very emotional and raw episode.

3. Captain Jack Riding a Bomb in The Doctor Dances

Of all the things you think you might see in Doctor Who, I doubt a time agent riding a bomb in World War Two would come to many people's minds. The scene was, for the viewer, expected to be the time when Jack would die but he is saved by The Doctor and Rose using the TARDIS. Over the next few episodes, Captain Jack joins Rose and the Doctor as a companion. It was a great moment in television history. Would you just look at how well the writers set things up by seeing how that bomb says "Wolf" and presumably Jack's jacket is hiding the word "bad". Whovians will know what "Bad Wolf" is setting up for.

4. Captain Jack's Concealed Weapon in Bad Wolf

This scene occurred when the Doctor, Rose and Jack were hidden in games shows on Satellite 5 to hide them from the Daleks. However, they all discovered how dangerous the games actually were and so tried to escape. Captain Jack was caught in a Make Over show with some androids who first used a machine to undress him and then chose clothes to make him look well. However, they soon moved onto more drastic changes through cutting off his head or body parts. At this point Jack literally pulled a gun out of his bum and shot the androids. It again added comedy to the show and was another way for the writers to surprise us.

5. Rose is Bad Wolf from The Parting of the Ways

This is yet another of the "How are they going to escape" moments which Doctor Who is so well-known for. This is also a very powerful scene which comes after the Doctor sends Rose back home to save her from the Daleks after they escape from the game shows on Satellite 5. Rose tries desperately to return to Satellite 5 and becomes an emotional wreck until she succeeds. Eventually, Rose accidentally looks into the Time Vortex and becomes the Bad Wolf. However, it is too much for a human mind and so the Doctor kisses Rose to save her.

See you next Sunday for more Doctor Who moments! See you tomorrow.

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