Friday 13 December 2013

Doctor Who Sunday: Double Doses of The Doctor (Top Moments of Modern Doctor Who Part 3)

Yes, I am posting this one on a Friday and yes, I am writing this the day before I post it. Why you would have asked either of those questions I do not know but now, at least in some alternate dimension, someone's questions have been answered. Anyway, I am doing this for missing out on a post on Tuesday and for last Sunday only posting 4 top moments. Today I will post 6 more top moments as well as the usual post on Sunday. These are my top moments of the Doctor in no order except for when they appeared in the show. Of course, since Doctor Who has been going for 50 years I am only doing the modern series as I have not watched enough Classic Doctor Who to make any assumptions. So, let us begin!

10. Elton Pope from Love and Monsters

Elton Pope was many things in this episode of Doctor Who. No longer were we seeing the story through the perspectives of the Doctor and/or his companion(s) but instead from an external source who provided a fresh look at what was going on. Elton dances, sings, starts a club, narrates, falls in love with a girl and, later, (*spoilers*) a slab of pavement with her face stuck in it. Elton Pope brought a lot the show and was something that surprised even me. I was not expecting an episode like this.

11. London Investigation n' Detective Agency (LINDA) from Love and Monsters

If the Doctor can have the TARDIS (time and relative dimension in space) why can Elton not have LINDA (London Investigation n' Detective Agency). LINDA was a 'secret' organisation that got together, shared food, and talked about mysterious occurrences and, of course, the Doctor. After a while they even started a band that did not sound too bad after all. The n' in the name is meant to be like Fish n' Chips (as Elton says in the episode) and it makes it that much more entertaining. As always happens with this sort of thing they get caught up (accidentally) with an alien that ends up with an encounter for Elton with the Doctor. They were quite the band of detectives.

12. "I did my duty for Queen and Country" from Doomsday

Yvonne Hartman, the leader of Torchwood (pre-Jack Harkness), died doing what she believed was her "duty for Queen and Country". Apparently this was so strong that even being turned into a Cyberman (or Cyberwoman) could not have stopped her doing her duty. However, if this was not as unbelievable given what we learnt about what makes a Cyberman it got worse when she actually cried a tear of what appeared to be oil. Still a great character and few scenes though.

13. Rose and the Doctor Separated Forever in Doomsday

Who was not screaming at Rose to "Hold on!" in this scene from the finale of Series 2. I believe it was the day that Whovians everywhere cried (or were close to) as our favourite companion Rose was ripped from us and lost in an alternate dimension. I believe we all breathed a sigh of relief when her father caught her and took him with her to the other dimension. The ending of this clip however just cements our sadness even more. Rose does a lot of crying in her finales. It was sad though.

14. The Doctor and Rose say Goodbye in Doomsday

If losing Rose was not bad enough, the writers wanted us to suffer just that little bit more by making us endure this heart-wrenching goodbye from Rose. It was ruined at the end though by a Donna Noble in a Wedding Dress screaming "WHAT!?" Still, there was a lot of heart and it was hard to see the Doctor try to say he loved her only to be cut short when the transmission cut out.

15. "WHAT?!" in Doomsday

This was the ending of Doctor Who that left emotional fans asking the same word that was repeated at the end of the episode over and over again; "WHAT?" Basically, this scene comes straight after the one you watched just above as Donna Noble (played by Catherine Tate) materialises in the TARDIS in her wedding dress. We later learn at the start of Season 3 that she was walking down the aisle when it happened. The only words the Doctor and Donna actually say is "What?" over and over again. It was a very confusing ending.

Be sure to check back on Sunday for 5 more top moments from Doctor Who as we move on to Season 3 and beyond. See you tomorrow!

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