Saturday 6 July 2013


Boredom reigns down upon us all from time to time and we are left helpless to stop it. Boredom comes when we are at our most vulnerable and can often make minutes stretch into hours and hours into days. Such times as these includes the time many students are experiencing right now which is, of course, Holidays! Holidays, though great, are major causes of boredom as people find themselves with nothing to do. Of course, boredom can come in waves and you may find yourself in utter bliss one day and absolute boredom the next. Personally, I experience boredom quite a lot and have some techniques to overcome such boredom which sometimes can seem unending. However, some boredom I can not control and one must suffer through it to make it into the blissful times. Boredom, like rain, really should go, go, go away and come again another day.

The best weapon we have to defend ourselves against boredom is activity. Without it we would be lost in a world where time seems to stop. Of course, during long periods of freedom (such as Holidays) people can often run out of things to do so the best way to overcome this is to spread activities out over the full length of the holidays rather than being very busy at the start and then very bored at the end. However, some activities will lead to boredom and should be done as soon as possible if they must be done. Holiday homework is a good example of this because if you plan to spread it out over time you are going to become really bored over the entirety of your holidays. If you complete all your homework at the start of the holidays however then you will still have a bit of boredom at the start of the holidays but then you will have more free time towards the end to break up the boredom. Going out with friends is always a good remedy to boredom as it is very hard to be bored when you are with friends (unless you are in school listening or watching something incredibly boring {like a droning teacher or a dreadful documentary}). Maybe there is a movie or television show you like to watch and maybe you need to go shopping to get what you need like the DVD or maybe you want to rent the movie. Either way you have created an outing and an activity which will break up your boredom. So, however horrifying boredom may seem, just remember those simple ideas and maybe even add a few of your own. This way you will be prepared whenever the next wave hits.

Keep yourself busy to avoid boredom, see you tomorrow!

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